Monday, August 07, 2006

Make Your Own Blog, and Control It!

Do you get tired of being unable to control everything about your blog? I'm not talking about what you write. Of course, you're the only one in control of that. But are you tired of lame templates, the inability to exhibit what you want on your blog, or the long time it takes for your blog to upload?

Have no fear!

A friend of mine, Mike Paetzold, has just released his new ebook Word Press Made Easy. Since I edited the book for him, I can tell you with all assurety that it's awesome! Mike can tell you how to install a Word Press blog onto your own server, painlessly and completely. There's even video with step-by-step instructions!

Think about it. Advertise anything you want--free. Make uploads a snap, and choose from the myriad WordPress templates that can really make your blog stand out. I have two WordPress blogs now: and and I love them both.

Just check out Word Press Made Easy here: . You're gonna love it!

If you've ever wanted to be the commander of your own ship, now's the time!


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